Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that delivers volume to the skin. Its main function is to retain water to keep your tissues well lubricated and moist. It is most prevalent in our skin. Over time, the amount of hyaluronic acid in our body decreases. Modified hyaluronic acid, replaces the hyaluronic acid lost in our skin, filling spaces of volume loss, which improves folds and wrinkles and attracts water to replenish moisture to your skin.
Dermal fillers are ideal for individuals who do not want to spend the money for costly invasive procedures such as face lifts, or for individuals who don’t want to experience the significant downtime associated with more invasive procedures. Most people can receive a treatment and return to their daily routine immediately after.
Dermal fillers can be safely used in most individuals who have concerns about lines and wrinkles and want to achieve a fresher, more youthful look, or to enhance the lips.
For some individuals, dermal fillers are contraindicated and cannot be performed. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have had facial surgery, have a history of allergies to dermal fillers, have a current skin infection in the treatment area, you are not a candidate for dermal fillers. If you have any concerns related to these contraindications, or are uncertain if you are a candidate, our provider can help you address these concerns and determine if you are a good candidate during your complimentary consultation.